This piece to me carries a lot more weight because it is almost like I hand crafted this image of my little sister over time. Although I will say I don't think it is perfect. After I finished the low poly drawing I figured out that I kind of made the head a bit squished and skinny. I would've liked to make it where it was an exact replica but over time i'm sure I will be able to. I do love the elements of low poly and think that with just the basic lines you can make a really nice piece.

I haven't really ever done much with photography. But I think this image is really nicer than I thought it was gonna be. I used my Ipad Pro to take the image and noticed when I did it already had a depth of field filter active, so when I went into photoshop to alter the image I found it a bit difficult. But I was able to enhance the depth of field and add a more greenish tone to the image altogether so that it enhances the leaves even more from the rest of the background and gives it a sort of pop. I could have made sure the ground did not turn green also, but I realized that was due to the water.

Here I was just sitting in my car eating my lunch when I noticed that it had been raining and I always love those pictures that are just the raindrops on windows or on different objects. It's always such a calm feeling and I decided I needed to create and image like this of my own. I went through Photoshop and enhanced the image by not only adding a blue filter to it to enhance how calming the image is but I also enhanced the colors of the other vehicles so it looks like they pop more and give the image more substance. I think this one turned out just how I wanted it to.
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